Tuesday, February 24, 2015

LC Men's Soccer Voted 'Gayest School Team' Ending Wrestling's 7 Year Run

Despite constant jock grabbing and rather provocative positions, the LC Wrestling team was surprisingly not voted the winners of the Annual LC Gayest Team Contest; or as some might put it, the losers. By a very close vote, the LC Soccer Team came out as the victors of the contest. 

Led by seniors Nikola Tepsic and Sam Willis, the vote seemed quite obvious amongst the school athletes. "I don't see how that's possible bro. Like, the gayest thing we do is compare our wiener sizes at team grill outs, and that's low key still pretty straight if you ask me... plus it serves as a tasty meal" states Tepsic. Willis later added that the comparison of "wiener" size has always been a trend amongst soccer players, and found the activity to be "straighter than a line."

We asked captain of the team Kyle Kil what he thought of the outcome, "Oh ya, I can totally see where you're coming. I look like a young Liberace out there prancing around." We tried contacting team goalie, Jorge Trujillo, but were unable to conduct the interview due to language barriers.

We talked to Daniel Picioski and Mikey McClelland, a Sophomore and Junior on the team, about how they plan on holding up the title they received this year. "I am definitely gay enough to keep this up, in fact I'm going for gayest on the team next season," said Picioski. "I don't understand how we can lose, day after day we try our hardest to 'out gay' each other," adds McClelland. You could see them demonstrating their determination when they walked away wearing their flamboyant joggers.

In a very close second place was not the Wrestling team, but instead the Swim Team. "This came as a huge shock to me," said swim team captain Josh Barajas, "I always found men in speedos to be rather straight." 

The seven year run of the Wrestling's Team victories was almost shot down in 2012 by the Cheer Team, when Jermey Goodale was added to the roster. However, the voting was inadmissable by the IHSAA Committee when they came to the unanimous conclusion that, "Cheerleading will never be a sport. We might as well let Marching Band be a sport if we do that."

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